What is Doping?

Doping is strictly prohibited in all sports!

What is doping?
  • To put it briefly, "doping" is committing any of  the ten anti-doping rule violations, ranging from  a Player's use of prohibited substances or methods to tampering with the doping control process. Substances and methods are banned if it meets at least two of the three following criteria:

                     1. enhances the performance and poses a threat to athlete health;
                     2. enhances the performance and violate the spirit of sport; or
                     3. poses a health risks and violates the spirit of sport.

    As a player, you are responsible for knowing what constitutes an anti-doping rule violation.

    The World Anti-Doping Code

    The  World Anti-Doping Code is the document created and updated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) that works to ensure that anti-doping regulations are harmonised across all sports and all countries. FIBA has implemented the WADA Code through the FIBA Internal Regulations governing Anti-Doping

    Violations can involve more than just a positive test– which is called an “Adverse Analytical Finding." See the list of doping violations here.

  • FIBA fights against doping to preserve certain values in sport, which is often referred to as the "spirit of sport". It is the essence of Olympism - the pursuit of human excellence through the dedicated perfection of each person’s natural talents. It is how we play true. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is reflected in values we find in and through sport, including:


    Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport.

  • The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes an annual List of Prohibited and Methods. Under the FIBA Internal Regulations governing Anti-Doping, it is each player’s personal duty to ensure that no Prohibited Substance enters his or her body.

    Therefore, it is essential that all players and support personnel carefully review the 2021 Prohibited List, particularly in cases where they intend to use supplements or medication.

    What is the difference between substances prohibited at all times and those prohibited in-competition?

    To be banned at all times means to be prohibited all year long, including in training and in-competition as well.  Examples include anabolic steroids, which when used in training may have long-term performance-enhancing training effects, or masking agents, which can be used to hide evidence of doping.

    By contrast, out-of-competition use of a substance that is prohibited only in-competition is not considered an anti-doping rule violation unless that substance is detected in your system during an in-competition test. To be clear, many substances can stay in your system for a long time. If you return a positive result for a substance you took out-of-competition (that was not prohibited at the time you took it) and test positive for it during an in-competition doping control (where it is prohibited), you will still be charged with an anti-doping rule violation.

    More information about side-effects of banned substances and methods can be found here.

    Prohibited Substances and Methods


    Prohibited at all times (In- and Out-of-Competition):


    Prohibited In-Competition:





  • What is a TUE?

    For more information on receiving a Therapeutic Use Exemption, please click here.


  • Who can commit an Anti-Doping Rule Violation?

    Not only players are subject to anti-doping rules. Coaches, support personnel, parents, friends and anyone else involved in a player’s career could be subject to the World Anti-Doping Code and the FIBA Internal regulations governing Anti-Doping.

    What doping violations are there?

    There are a range of violations that can lead to sanctions for both players and others involved in basketball. You must familiarise yourself with the types of violations as you are responsible for knowing what constitutes an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

    The presence of prohibited substances in your sample
    Even if you take a prohibited substance without knowing, if it is found in your sample, this will be considered to be an anti-doping rule violation. This is called strict liability.
    The use of prohibited substances or prohibited methods
    If FIBA can demonstrate that you have used a prohibited substance or method, even if no prohibited substance has been detected in a sample provided by you, this will be considered to be an anti-doping rule violation.

    It does not matter if you intend to commit an anti-doping violation or not, these types of doping offences are punishable regardless of intent.

    Refusing to be tested
    If you have been notified by a doping control officer or chaperone that you have been selected for a doping control, you must give a sample. If you do not, without a compelling justification, you will have committed an anti-doping violation. The sanction will be the same as if you had taken a prohibited substance.
    Whereabouts failures
    If you have been selected to be part of a Registered Testing Pool, you must submit accurate whereabouts information for the time that you are in the Registered Testing Pool. If you fail to do this or you miss a test, this is a whereabouts failure. Three whereabouts failures in a 12-month period is an anti-doping rule violation and carries a sanction of between 1-2 years.
    Tampering or attempted tempering with a doping
    If you or anyone else tries to interfere with the doping control process in any way, you will face a sanction. This could be, for example, providing false information to FIBA, trying to alter the doping control form, offensive conduct towards the doping control officer or chaperones.
    Possession of prohibited substances or prohibited
    Even if you have not taken prohibited substances or used prohibited methods, you may receive a sanction for possessing prohibited substances or having prohibited methods. If you need to have a prohibited substance or use prohibited methods for health reasons, you must apply for the Therapeutic Use Exemption.
    Trafficking or attempted trafficking of any prohibited substance or method
    If anyone – you, your coach, or anyone subject to the FIBA ADR - is involved in trafficking prohibited substances or giving prohibited substances to players, you will receive a sanction.
    Administration or attempted administration of prohibited substances
    If someone administers prohibited substances to you, they will face sanctions.
    If you encourage or help someone or someone encourages or helps you to commit an anti-doping violation, you or they will be sanctioned.

    Anyone involved in the cover up of an anti-doping rule violation will be sanctioned.

    Prohibited association
    Association in a professional or sport-related capacity with someone serving a ban or convicted of a criminal or disciplinary offence for conduct that would be considered an anti-doping violation.

    How will FIBA prove that I have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation?

    FIBA can use any reliable means to establish an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.