African Coaches Training

African coaches training programs are established according to the requirements of the FIBA Africa Coaches Committee (CEA).

That Coaches Committee is the consultative body that assesses aspects related to administration, training and technical development of Basketball in Africa.
In order to harmonize training programs for a mutual enrichment and permit to all Technical Managers to have the same training, four (4) training levels have been defined:

  • Young Coach Module 1 & 2
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Coaches Instructor
Young Coach
  • Young Coach Module 1

    This programme is the first step into the world of Basketball coaches for young coach, player or any person less than 35 years old who desires to experience a coaching career or manage mini basketball and children aged from 8 to 12 years.

    Duration of the clinic :
    a)- Intense form: 07 to 10 days, 55 to 66 hours
    b)- Medium duration: 03 months (same hourly volume)
    c)- Long duration: 09 months (same hourly volume)

    Admission: Test on general knowledge :
    a)- written test (coef 1): technical knowledge (Optional)
    b)- Practical test (coef 3): practical pedagogy
    c)- Oral test (coef 1): Technical and General knowledge

    Shall be considered as accepted, the candidates having passed the test.
    Each accepted candidate has to manage a youth team or perform in a training centre during one year.
    Jury: under the direct leadership of the FIBA Africa expert and assisted by the local NTD. 

    Young Coach Module 2

    This second level is for coaches holding the module I and one year of performance in a club or a training center (mini-basket). It allows the trainee to acquire tools to manage the young aged from 13 to 18 years.

    Duration of the clinic:
    a)- Intense form: 08 to 11 days, 70 to 76 hours ; 6 to 7 hours per day
    b)- Medium duration: 03 months (hourly volume: 70 hours)
    c)- Long duration: 09 months (hourly volume: 70 hours)

    Admission : Test on general knownledge:
    a)- Written test (coef 1) : technical knownledge
    b)- Practical test (coef 3) : practical pedagogy
    c)- Oral test (coef 1) : general technical knownledge

    Shall be considered as accepted, the candidates having a rate of 12 out of 20.
    Jury: under the direct responsibility of the FIBA Africa National expert and assisted by the local NTD.

  • Coach Level 1


    This program is hosting at the level of each FIBA Africa's zone with also participation of candidates from other zones.
    It is conduted by a FIBA Africa's Coaches Instructor in collaboration with a local
    Coaches Instructor.
    This training is for coaches licensed as Young Coaches (Module 1+ Module 2) and having coached a team during two years at least (coach or assistant coach of cadets or juniors, boys and girls).

    Duration of training : 11 days, 76 hours
    Admission : Test on general knownledge:
    a) - Written test (coef 1) = technical and tactical knownledge
                                         = knowning of the regulation
                                         = pedagogy of coaching
    b) - practical test (coef 3) = technical knownledge
                                          = pedagogy of coaching
    c)- Oral test (coef 1): Technical, tactical, administratives, organizational
    and structural knownledge

    Shall be considered as accepted, the candidates having a rate of 12 out of 20.
    Remark : any rate equal or less than 10 out of 20 following the tests b and c shall be disqualifying. 

    Jury : under the direct responsibility of the FIBA Africa's expert and assisted by the local NTD.

  • Coach Level 2

    This program is hosting at the continental level.

    The clinic is conducted by FIBA Africa expert for coaches who hold a Coach level I certificate and having coached a senior team (or head coach, or assistant coach of national selection) during at least two years.

    Duration of the training: 12 days, 83 hours
    a) - Introducing of a CV together with a report approved by one’s own Federation, on the carried out activities (10 pages at most) (coef.1)
    b) - Written test (coef 1) = essay: technical, tactical, and psychological and pedagogical knownledge
    c) - Practical test (coef 3) = technical, tactical, pedagogical knownledge on coaching
    d) - Oral test (coef 2) : display on a technical and tactical topic.

    Shall be considered as accepted, candidates having a rate of 12 out of 20.
    Remark : any rate equal or less than 10 out of 20 per test shall automatically be disqualifying one
    Jury: under the direct responsibility of the FIBA Africa expert, assisted by the local NTD.



  • Coaches Instructor

    This program of training is conducted by FIBA Africa in a candidate or suggested country.
    Participation : candidate to be submitted by his own national Federation
    It is for :
    - coaches licensed as FIBA Africa's Coach Level II, since two years at least.
    - Head Coaches of senior national team for 02-04 years.
    - National Technical Directors having served as for 02-04 years.

    Duration of the training: 07 days, 54 hours
    Admission :
    a)- Introducing of CV together with a report approved by his own Federation and relating to the achieved activities (10 pages at most (coef.1)
    b)- Written Test (coef 1) = Essay: technical, tactical and psychopedagogy Knowledge.
    c)- Practical test (coef 3) = practical pedagogy
    d)- Oral test (coef 2) : Presentation of a training course.

    Shall considered as accepted the candidates having a general rate of 14 out of 20.
    Remark: any rate equal or less than 12 out of 20 is automatically disqualifying one.